August 2024: new submitted research on the battle.
Here are the latest additions to the website's growing archive of first-hand accounts of the battle by those who were present on the field.
Click here to read an account of the Battle of Resaca by Bromfield Ridley as it appeared in The Confederate Veteran.
Click here to read a rather comprehensive account of the Atlanta campaign from Surgeon Bennitt of the 19th Michigan Infantry. The section pertaining to the battle itself is as follows...
Friday, May 13
Hospital 3rd Div 20th A.C.
Before Resaca Ga.
Weather during day pleasant. Moved at daylight toward enemy—Div formed in line of battle after proceeding about two miles towards Resaca—& remained till noon. Moved on then saw Gens. Thomas, Hooker, Sherman, Whipple, Butterfield, &c. Variety of orders concerning Panniers going to field— Our Div form on hill— McPherson’s army on right & in front, skirmishing briskly—Canonading somewhat. Rebs fall back to R.R.—Disable engine. Occupy ground—I vis[ited] Brig in field late at night Dr. Jewett accompanying me. Many of 15 A.C. wounded in skirmishing—shell cut through tree nearly over my head. Sergt Maj Russel & Dr. T[rowbridge] with me. It is supposed that Rebs are trying to run. We ought to catch & punish them. Remain at Hospital over night. A Corps Hosp. is to be established. Dan Lee Jewett, Assistant Surgeon of the 20th Connecticut Infantry.
Saturday, May 14
Weather very pleasant.
Skirmishing began early. Nothing new. Some wounded of 1st Brig. reported this morn. Surgn Hobbs sends me to field. Take out some food for Dr. T[rowbridge] & his Horse. Not much—, Vis[ited] Mich 11th. Dress several wounds on field at edge of woods—return to Hosp. & aft toward night make two Capital Operations—30 of 3rd Div. wounded brought in, don’t know how many killed. Hemmorage from stump of leg troublesome at night— Sleep with Surgn Hobbs & McPheeters. Call to see Dr. Packards—not in.
Sunday, May 15
Hospital 3rd Div 20 A.C.
Before Resaca 3˝ miles Distant.
Weather fine.
Started to left with Surgn Grinsted to look [for] a place for Hosp. on right. Our return found order to move to left—part of Hosp. moves off. Other do not understand order at first—we don’t know where to go— Inefficiency of med Direct[or] manifest— Delay in establishing Hospital— Dine with Surgn Bennet. Battle rages fiercely before our Hospital is located & wounded of our Div. come in before anything is done to take care of them. Work nearly all night Operating. Dr. Jewett a good assistant and fair operator. Not room for more than 2/3 of wounded—many lie exposed all night. Blood enough have I seen for one day. Enemy give way—we occupy their works.
Monday, May 16
Hosp 3 Div.
Weather warm.
The 11th Michigan Infantry was in the 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 14th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland. Nelson I. Packard of Sturgis enlisted in the 11th Michigan Infantry as Assistant Surgeon in October 1862 and would be mustered out in September 1864. William C. Bennett of Connecticut was appointed Assistant Surgeon, U.S. Volunteers in June 1863. He subsequently became Medical Inspector of the 20th Army Corps. The Battle of Resaca began on May 14 with probing attacks on the Confederate right and center by Union forces. On the next day the Confederates halted two Union attacks and then were repulsed twice themselves in their attempt to outflank the Union left. General Johnston, made aware of Union troops trying to cut off his lines of communication, ordered a withdrawal. Some wounded still coming in—Rebs retired last night.